Monday, June 11, 2012

U.S. Culture Exam Tomorrow, June 12

GOOD LUCK on the U.S. Culture exam tomorrow! Don't forget to manage your time while you're in the exam. You only have two hours.

Also, in general, grades for the grammar exam are good. Many students have received very high grades. GOOD JOB!


  1. please teacher give us the correction , i'm worried about it , pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. Good news teacher .shall we pass the exam of tomorrow on U.S culture and have high grades.

  3. well, it's certainly known of the the immense competition among students in the second semester. We hope that our deeds define our fates

  4. Gd evenin Miss, Iam Rachid ur S2 student, I did well in all other classes and i got goood marks but I have a problem with US culture i was attending during the day of exams and after they posted the results I found that u give me 00 and u make me absent Iam sure that I deserve more because I check answers home and I did well in US culture please Miss check again my paper .....
    your student Rachid 144 E 04
    waiting for ur response Miss....
